Day 26: Making Mothers’ Day Mousse

[EDIT: The recipe for this Mango and Chocolate Mousse has been moved to The Usual Saucepans, please follow this link to get to the post. Thanks!]

Two things have happened lately which you can’t have failed to notice (if you live here in the UK): 1) The latest series of Masterchef has just – sadly – finished and the eventual winner used mangoes almost every week; and 2) yesterday was Mothers’ Day.

Mothers’ Day is a bit of a funny one as we’re (my brothers and I) never quite sure what to do. Yes, she’ll love a bunch of flowers, or a(nother) Michael Bublé CD, or to go out for dinner. But it’s all a bit standard. And more importantly we’ve done it all before. This year we decided that we’d just let her sit back and we’d sort out a Sunday dinner that she’d (hopefully) really enjoy. It also gave me the chance to get back in the kitchen – something I’ve sadly been missing in my life.

Mango and Chocolate Mousse

Going on the ‘keep it simple, but delicious’ method we opted for a nice roast beef for main (minus the yorkshire puddings, which are still in the freezer. Fail.) followed by chocolate mouse. I love chocolate mousse. And I make a rather delicious one – if I do say so myself – from a recipe belonging to the wonderful Nigella Lawson, but with the little twist of adding fruit (in this case mango). And what makes it even better is that it is the simplest thing out – even if it won’t be winning any prizes for healthiness.

So, in true Masterchef style I created a Mango infused mousse chocolat, with a crème and mango garnish and a dusting of miniature chocolate curls. A.k.a. chocolate and mango mousse, with bits of mango and cream on top and a bit of grated chocolate. (The pictures were taken before the topping was added, hence why they don’t show it).Mango and Chocolate Mousse

This recipe has moved to: The Usual Saucepans, please go have a look at it over there.

Mango and Chocolate Mousse

It went down rather well (and I even caught someone running their finger round the bowl when they thought no one was looking – that is my measure of success) and we had a rather nice dinner. Hope you enjoy it too.


7 thoughts on “Day 26: Making Mothers’ Day Mousse

  1. The mousses look delicious!! Mango and dark chocolate is totally my new favourite flavour combination at the moment – they just go so well together.

    • Why thank you! They looked even better with the bright splash of colour from the sliced mango on the top. It’s a fantastic combination, definitely combo of the moment!

  2. Mmmm, nice! I like a mousse recipe that doesn’t involve raw egg; it’s probably fine, but I don’t trust myself to not screw it up somehow and get ill. Mango with chocolate is beautiful. I wonder if Oxfam still sell those bags of it.

    • It’s a fantastic cheat, isn’t it? I know what you mean about the raw egg problem, the last thing I’d want to do is make people (or myself) ill! It’s a lovely combination, definitely a recipe I’ll be making again. Can’t help you with Oxfam, I’m afraid. Thanks for stopping by.


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