Instagrammers Anonymous: It’s Festival Time!

Time to stop and breathe. It’s been a very busy week, back from London, back to work, back to life’s less exciting tasks (like a mountain of washing) and sorting out the bureaucratic nightmare that is the visa for my next trip away (hard life, I know). Oh, and watching more coverage of the Olympics than I care to admit to.

But whilst I’ve been sorting out the ironing, Edinburgh has been getting into festival fever. The sun is out and the blue sky is filled with the sound of music and laughter – time then for Instagrammers Anonymous.

Rose Street is looking particularly festive at the momentRose Street, Edinburgh - flowers and flags

I’ve been leafing through my festival programsEdinburgh festival fringe and international book festival programs

And Starbucks got my name right on the side of my cup for the second time in a row – surely one of the first signs of the apocalypse.

On the off-chance you’re feeling sorry for the lack of interesting things in my week (unlikely, I realise), don’t worry, I have two days of over-indulgence at Foodies Festival lined up for this weekend – two days of glorious food and drink in the park and (hopefully) the sunshine! Here’s a little taste of what might come in next week’s post in the form of last year’s Foodies Fest visit.

Have a great weekend whatever it is that you’re up to!
