Piers, Water and Hills: An Unplanned Cycling Adventure

Winter is the season that you tend to huddle up indoors, looking out grimly at the howling gale; but just occasionally you get out to have a little adventure. On Saturday I was a bit bored; I’d already walked the dog, put off all things I probably ought to be doing, the rugby hadn’t started (although missing that would not exactly have been a tragedy) and I was waiting for the wonders of technology to update themselves before I could progress any further on the blogging front (I really, really don’t get computers). As it was a nice enough afternoon – and by that I mean dry and light, those were pretty much its only redeeming features – I decided that it was time I went out on my bike and did a little exercise.

Bike at Granton Harbour, Edinburgh‘Adventure’ is possibly the wrong word to describe my trip; I didn’t actually go anywhere I hadn’t been before, but it was a case of “I’ll just go a little further this way” and “perhaps I’ll go right here”. But whilst I know my little corner of Edinburgh quite well I’d never actually cycled down to Granton. Urban regeneration – and other such buzzwords – have treated that part of town pretty well over the last decade or so, and on a calm day the whole place becomes rather peaceful.

We tend to think of Newhaven as the area for boats, with its stone harbour and lighthouse, but I always tend to forget that most of the little boats are kept along at Granton Harbour. It’s also substantially bigger than I realised, with its old (much more cobbled together than its neighbour) stone pier reaching out far into the Firth of Forth.Panoramic Looking down the pier Granton Harbour, Edinburgh

Once I’d sat and pondered my ‘discovery’ for a minute or two (it was a little too cold for sitting on stone for very long) I got back on my bike and went along in the direction of Gypsy Brae and Silverknowes.Looking out from the promenade between Granton and Silverknowes, Edinburgh

Back in the comfort of the well-known I went along the sweeping promenade, dodging inbetween dog walkers and old grannies loudly moaning about “yooffs” cycling along a walking path (I can only assume she left her glasses at home with her false teeth, as I don’t think I really come under that category any more and neither do the other adults cycling along the front, which coincidentally is also a cycling route).Crammond Island and up the Forth estuary, Edinburgh

By the time Crammond Island and its submarine-proof causeway came properly in to view I decided it was time I braved the cycle home. Whilst the shoreline might suffer with global sea level rises, the rest of this part of town really won’t; by the time I got to the top of the succession of hills and paused to catch my breath, the sun was well and truly beginning to fade away for the day. I got back in time to watch the majority of the rugby – and wish that I’d left the hill for later and taken the protracted trip back by Crammond and the river Almond.


Instagrammers Anonymous: Rain, Sun, Edinburgh and Abroad

It’s crazy how the time flies when you’re busy. Not only does it not feel like a week since the last Instagrammers Anonymous, but I’m nowhere near the end of my enormous ‘To Do’ list. But with much of what’s left being holiday prep (only a week to go!) I’m sure I’ll cope.

Last Sunday I made the rookie error of going out for a cycle just before the biggest shower downpour of the day. Did I have a waterproof with me? No, I was in shorts and a t-shirt. Not fun.

I went out for dinner on Tuesday to a lovely little Italian in Comely Bank, but was ridiculously early, so went for a stroll round the pond in Inverleith Park first.The Pond in Inverleith Park

Oh, and did I mention I was going on holiday soon? I leave next Friday for a whirlwind trip to Moscow, Vienna and Bratislava. To say I’m jumping around with excitement would be a bit of an understatement – I can hardly shut up about it. Look – I’ve got a Russian visa and everything!

Whatever your plans for the weekend I hope they involve less printing, photocopying and ironing than mine!


Instagrammers Anonymous: Busy, Wet, Busy, Wet, Etc.

What has happened to this week? Last time I looked it was Monday morning, and now it’s Friday lunchtime! Clearly time flies when you’re really busy.

Thankfully I have an escapist weekend planned, so it will soon be all behind me. Saturday I’m off to Perthshire for the day (long story) and then on Sunday it’s a log overdue trip to St Andrews and seeing The Dark Knight Rises. But before all the excitement it’s time for the week in pictures: Instagrammers Anonymous.

According to Starbucks I’ve changed my name without realising. Although I guess it’s better than Graig or Graic which are the other versions they’ve tried lately (perhaps it’s time to revise my opinion of the whole name on your coffee thing).

Starbucks coffee cupIt’s poured with rain most of the week – this is what our bath looked like when everyone got home the other night.

Umbrellas drying in the bath.The rain did stay away one evening, and then the sun shone! I went out for a cycle and took lots of photos – who said phones and cycling don’t go together? (on a deserted, cycle path, I feel obliged to add).Bike moving along a track instagram

What ever you’re up to this weekend I hope you’re looking forward to it as much as I am to mine; and here’s hoping the rain stays away for at least some of it.


Cycling and Summer Sunshine

Don’t tell anyone, but I think tonight might have been summer.

I had many plans for this evening (or yesterday evening, or whenever it was when you’re reading this). They mainly revolved around writing a new post for here and re-watching the two most recent Batman films, ahead of this weekend’s trip to the cinema to see the final instalment.

All of that went flying out the window when it turned into such a nice evening. Who wants to be stuck indoors when the weather is finally admitting to it being July? Not me, that’s for sure. So after taking the dog out for a stroll and planting some more spinach seeds (this year’s experimental gardening, which is going rather tastily) I hopped on my brother’s bike – mine having suffered the company of thieves some weeks ago – and went for a cycle.

Where I went is for another time; but it’s safe to say that it was an excellent evening to be away from the roads and I was glad of my sunglasses and the visor on my helmet. I think I even fooled myself into enjoying a little exercise — long may the weather and that foolishness continue.

I went cycling…View of the path over the handlebars of a bike.

Then cycled a little more…Looking over the handlebars towards the sinking sun.

And all the while the sun shone.Cycling towards the setting sun.
